

19.09.2015 15:36
On Saturday, September 19th the outputs from the project (Energizer books, Photobook, leaflets and other promotion materials) were sent to all participating teams so that they could use them not only to promote the project but also in their future work.


19.09.2015 15:33
On Tuesday, September 15th the organizing team met in the Chateau Restaurant in Karvina to evaluate the work on the project. Invited guests from youth organizations and school were shown the outputs from the project and then there was a dicussion between the organizers and guests. Evaluation and...


25.07.2015 21:21
On this website you can already see also the presentations of miniprojects which were created by the participants as well as descriptions of energizers worked out by the participating teams (including photos from their presentation during the project meeting in Reka.


20.06.2015 16:54
Though the project meeting is over, we will continue with follow-up activities. Now your task will be to complete everything about the energizers you presented and taught the others at the meeting in Reka. We will work out a book of energizers together which will be published and sent to all...


20.06.2015 16:51
Your data have been already uploadLto the Mobility Tool and you will be contacted by email from the European Commission to fill in the participant form, which is OBLIGATORY for all the participants of the project. 


07.06.2015 13:30
All participants of the project are eligible to receive their Youthpasses. The organising team has worked out the general info for all the participants and the participants can now complete their youthpass by entering data about the skills and competences they gained or extended during the project....


27.02.2015 09:29
We created for you the INFOPACK of the Moving on project


21.02.2015 11:47
The dates of the project and the venue have already been confirmed, the project will take place in Reka from May 29th till June 2nd!



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.